1. Being Human1.1 Human Nature0/01.1.1 Individuality and Universality1.1.2 Nature versus Nurture Debate1.1.3 Scientific Perspectives (e.g., Behaviourism)1.1.4 Emotion and Reason1.2 Freedom0/01.2.1 Freedom and Determinism1.2.2 Social Conditioning1.2.3 Existential Angst1.3 The Self and the Other0/01.3.1 Self/Non-Self1.3.2 Solipsism and Intersubjectivity1.3.3 Authenticity1.4 Mind and Body0/01.4.1 The Mind-Body Problem1.4.2 The Problem of Other Minds1.4.3 Consciousness1.5 Identity0/01.5.1 Personal Identity1.5.2 Identity Over Time1.5.3 Social and Cultural Identity1.6 Personhood0/01.6.1 Self-Consciousness in Philosophy and Psychology1.6.2 Understanding Agency1.6.3 Personhood: Responsibility and Authenticity1. Being Human1.1 Human Nature0/01.1.1 Individuality and Universality1.1.2 Nature versus Nurture Debate1.1.3 Scientific Perspectives (e.g., Behaviourism)1.1.4 Emotion and Reason1.2 Freedom0/01.2.1 Freedom and Determinism1.2.2 Social Conditioning1.2.3 Existential Angst1.3 The Self and the Other0/01.3.1 Self/Non-Self1.3.2 Solipsism and Intersubjectivity1.3.3 Authenticity1.4 Mind and Body0/01.4.1 The Mind-Body Problem1.4.2 The Problem of Other Minds1.4.3 Consciousness1.5 Identity0/01.5.1 Personal Identity1.5.2 Identity Over Time1.5.3 Social and Cultural Identity1.6 Personhood0/01.6.1 Self-Consciousness in Philosophy and Psychology1.6.2 Understanding Agency1.6.3 Personhood: Responsibility and Authenticity2. Aesthetics2.1 The Nature of Art0/02.1.1 What is Art?2.1.2 Art as Imitation, Transformation, Creation2.1.3 Art as a Medium2.1.4 Art and Human Activity2.1.5 The Nature of Art: Creativity2.2 The Artist and the Artistic Process0/02.2.1 The Artist2.2.2 Accountability and Creative Licence2.2.3 Impact of Technology 2.2.4 Artistic Process Around the World2.3 Aesthetic Experience and Judgment0/02.3.1 Aesthetic Experience2.3.2 Discussions of Taste2.3.3 Classification and Judgment of Art2.3.4 Art as a Consumer Good2. Aesthetics2.1 The Nature of Art0/02.1.1 What is Art?2.1.2 Art as Imitation, Transformation, Creation2.1.3 Art as a Medium2.1.4 Art and Human Activity2.1.5 The Nature of Art: Creativity2.2 The Artist and the Artistic Process0/02.2.1 The Artist2.2.2 Accountability and Creative Licence2.2.3 Impact of Technology 2.2.4 Artistic Process Around the World2.3 Aesthetic Experience and Judgment0/02.3.1 Aesthetic Experience2.3.2 Discussions of Taste2.3.3 Classification and Judgment of Art2.3.4 Art as a Consumer Good3. EpistemologyPremium3.1 Nature of Knowledge0/03.1.1 Experiencing the World3.1.2 Acquiring Knowledge3.1.3 Opinion, Belief, Knowledge3.1.4 Language and Meaning3.1.5 Truth and Justification3.1.6 Self-Knowledge3.2 Problems of Knowledge0/03.2.1 Scepticism3.2.2 Theories of Justification3.2.3 Subjectivism and Objectivism3.3 Application of Knowledge0/03.3.1 Knowledge and Power3.3.2 Access to Knowledge3.3.3 Knowledge and Technology3. EpistemologyPremium3.1 Nature of Knowledge0/03.1.1 Experiencing the World3.1.2 Acquiring Knowledge3.1.3 Opinion, Belief, Knowledge3.1.4 Language and Meaning3.1.5 Truth and Justification3.1.6 Self-Knowledge3.2 Problems of Knowledge0/03.2.1 Scepticism3.2.2 Theories of Justification3.2.3 Subjectivism and Objectivism3.3 Application of Knowledge0/03.3.1 Knowledge and Power3.3.2 Access to Knowledge3.3.3 Knowledge and Technology4. EthicsPremium4.1 Normative Ethics0/04.1.1 Moral Principles4.1.2 Virtue-/Character-Based Theories4.1.3 Deontological Theories4.1.4 Teleological Theories4.2 Meta-Ethics0/04.2.1 Origins and Nature of Moral Values4.2.2 Foundations for Moral Judgments4.2.3 Ethical Language4.3 Applied Ethics0/04.3.1 Biomedical Ethics4.3.2 Environmental Ethics4.3.3 Distribution of Wealth4. EthicsPremium4.1 Normative Ethics0/04.1.1 Moral Principles4.1.2 Virtue-/Character-Based Theories4.1.3 Deontological Theories4.1.4 Teleological Theories4.2 Meta-Ethics0/04.2.1 Origins and Nature of Moral Values4.2.2 Foundations for Moral Judgments4.2.3 Ethical Language4.3 Applied Ethics0/04.3.1 Biomedical Ethics4.3.2 Environmental Ethics4.3.3 Distribution of Wealth5. Philosophy and Contemporary SocietyPremium5.1 Multiculturalism0/05.1.1 The Concept of Culture5.1.2 Treatment of Minority or Marginalised Groups5.1.3 Tolerance5.2 Liberty and Rights0/05.2.1 Positive and Negative Liberty5.2.2 Legal and Human Rights5.2.3 Censorship and Freedom of Information5.2.4 Terrorism and Political Violence5.3 Technology and Media0/05.3.1 Role of Technology in Contemporary Society5.3.2 Impact of Technology on Contemporary Society5.3.3 The Media in Contemporary Society5. Philosophy and Contemporary SocietyPremium5.1 Multiculturalism0/05.1.1 The Concept of Culture5.1.2 Treatment of Minority or Marginalised Groups5.1.3 Tolerance5.2 Liberty and Rights0/05.2.1 Positive and Negative Liberty5.2.2 Legal and Human Rights5.2.3 Censorship and Freedom of Information5.2.4 Terrorism and Political Violence5.3 Technology and Media0/05.3.1 Role of Technology in Contemporary Society5.3.2 Impact of Technology on Contemporary Society5.3.3 The Media in Contemporary Society6. Philosophy of ReligionPremium6.1 Nature and Existence of God0/06.1.1 Nature of God6.1.2 Arguments for the Existence of God6.1.3 Arguments Against the Existence of God6.2 Religious Language0/06.2.1 Views of Religious Language6.2.2 The Problem of Religious Language6.3 Religious Experience and Behaviour0/06.3.1 Definitions and Characteristics of Religious Experience6.3.2 The Value of Religious Experience6.3.3 Religion in a Multicultural Environment6. Philosophy of ReligionPremium6.1 Nature and Existence of God0/06.1.1 Nature of God6.1.2 Arguments for the Existence of God6.1.3 Arguments Against the Existence of God6.2 Religious Language0/06.2.1 Views of Religious Language6.2.2 The Problem of Religious Language6.3 Religious Experience and Behaviour0/06.3.1 Definitions and Characteristics of Religious Experience6.3.2 The Value of Religious Experience6.3.3 Religion in a Multicultural Environment7. Philosophy of SciencePremium7.1 Nature and Methodologies of Science0/07.1.1 The Nature of Science7.1.2 Demarcation in Philosophy of Science7.1.3 Methodologies of Science7.1.4 The Development of Science7.2 Science and the Self0/07.2.1 Metaphysics and the Nature of Reality7.2.2 Cognitive Science and the Concept of the Self7.2.3 Biological and Biochemical Explanations of the Self7.3 Science and Society0/07.3.1 Accountability and Responsibility of the Scientist7.3.2 Implications of Science7.3.3 The Effects of Society and Social Values on Science7. Philosophy of SciencePremium7.1 Nature and Methodologies of Science0/07.1.1 The Nature of Science7.1.2 Demarcation in Philosophy of Science7.1.3 Methodologies of Science7.1.4 The Development of Science7.2 Science and the Self0/07.2.1 Metaphysics and the Nature of Reality7.2.2 Cognitive Science and the Concept of the Self7.2.3 Biological and Biochemical Explanations of the Self7.3 Science and Society0/07.3.1 Accountability and Responsibility of the Scientist7.3.2 Implications of Science7.3.3 The Effects of Society and Social Values on Science8. Philosophy (HL)Premium8.1 Nature (HL)0/08.1.1 Definition and Discipline8.1.2 Diversity in Philosophy8.2 Function (HL)0/08.2.1 Goals and Purpose8.2.2 Philosophy and Human Knowledge8.3 Meaning (HL)0/08.3.1 Philosophy and Self-Understanding8.3.2 Philosophy, Society, and Religion8.4 Methodology (HL)0/08.4.1 Conceptual Analysis in Philosophy8.4.2 Engagement and Interdisciplinary Relevance8. Philosophy (HL)Premium8.1 Nature (HL)0/08.1.1 Definition and Discipline8.1.2 Diversity in Philosophy8.2 Function (HL)0/08.2.1 Goals and Purpose8.2.2 Philosophy and Human Knowledge8.3 Meaning (HL)0/08.3.1 Philosophy and Self-Understanding8.3.2 Philosophy, Society, and Religion8.4 Methodology (HL)0/08.4.1 Conceptual Analysis in Philosophy8.4.2 Engagement and Interdisciplinary Relevance