In the realm of atomic structure, understanding sublevels and atomic orbitals provides insight into the fascinating world of electrons and their behaviour within atoms.
Division of Main Energy Levels
Main energy levels, as defined by quantum mechanics, are further divided into four sublevels: s, p, d, and f. Each of these sublevels varies in energy and capacity to hold electrons:
- s sublevel: Found in every main energy level, starting from the first. It can hold up to 2 electrons.
- p sublevel: Begins from the second main energy level and can accommodate up to 6 electrons.
- d sublevel: Starts from the third main energy level and can hold a maximum of 10 electrons.
- f sublevel: Appears from the fourth main energy level onward and can house up to 14 electrons.
Shapes and Orientation of Atomic Orbitals
Atomic orbitals describe regions in space where there's a high probability of locating an electron. Their shapes are crucial for visualising electron distribution within an atom.
s Orbital:
- Shape: Spherical.
- Orientation: The s orbital is symmetrical and centred around the nucleus, meaning its orientation is not directed towards any specific axis.
p Orbitals:
- Shape: Dumbbell-shaped.
- Orientation: There are three p orbitals, each oriented along one of the three main axes: x, y, and z. Thus, they are often termed px, py, and pz orbitals.

Image courtesy of AlexandraDaryl
Relationship with the Periodic Table
The periodic table is more than just a tabulation of elements; it's a reflection of electron configurations and sublevels.
- s-block: The elements in groups 1 and 2, including hydrogen and helium, have their outermost electrons in the s sublevel.
- p-block: Elements found in groups 13 to 18 have their outermost electrons in the p sublevel.
- d-block: Often referred to as transition metals, elements in groups 3 to 12 have their outermost electrons in the d sublevel.
- f-block: These elements, known as the lanthanides and actinides, have their electrons filling the f sublevel. They're typically placed separately at the bottom of the periodic table due to their f sublevel electron configurations.

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The Block Nature and Electron Configuration
Each block of the periodic table is named after the sublevel being filled with electrons for elements within that block. For example:
- Helium (He), despite being in group 18, is part of the s-block because its 1s sublevel is filled.
- Boron (B) in group 13 has its outermost electron entering the 2p sublevel, placing it in the p-block.
- Iron (Fe), a transition metal, is in the d-block with its 3d sublevel being filled.
- Uranium (U), an actinide, is part of the f-block with electrons filling the 5f sublevel.
The d-block starts from the fourth period because the first occurrence of d orbitals is in the third main energy level (n=3). In the periodic table, elements are arranged in increasing order of atomic number, and electron configurations correlate with periods. The first two periods are filling the 1s and 2s (and 2p) sublevels, respectively. When we reach the third period, after filling the 3s and 3p sublevels, the next available sublevel is 4s, followed by 3d. Hence, the d-block commences in the fourth period of the periodic table.
The p orbitals correspond to the second quantum number, l, having a value of 1. The magnetic quantum number, ml, which determines the number of orbitals, can have values ranging from -l to +l, inclusive of zero. For the p sublevel, ml can be -1, 0, or 1. These correspond to the three p orbitals: px, py, and pz. Thus, there are only three possible orientations for the p orbitals, explaining why there are precisely three of them.
The designation 's' for the s orbital originates from the word 'sharp'. Historically, when atomic emission spectra were first studied, the series of lines related to the s orbitals appeared sharp in comparison to others. The spectral lines were categorised based on their appearance, which led to other designations like 'p' for principal, 'd' for diffuse, and 'f' for fundamental. These terminologies, although outdated from their original context, are still utilised today to describe atomic orbitals.
The d and f orbitals are more complex in shape than s and p orbitals. While s is spherical and p orbitals are dumbbell-shaped, d orbitals (except for one) possess a cloverleaf shape. There are five d orbitals in total. The f orbitals are even more intricate, with seven different shapes, and they are harder to visualise than the s, p, and d orbitals. As we progress from s to f, the shapes and orientations of the orbitals become more complicated, reflecting the increasing energy and complexity of the sublevels.
Yes, the different orientations of the p orbitals are significant. Since the p orbitals are oriented along the x, y, and z axes, they can participate in different types of overlap with orbitals from other atoms, leading to the formation of sigma (σ) or pi (π) bonds, which are essential in molecular geometry and bonding. The spatial orientation and shape of the p orbitals play a crucial role in determining the type and strength of bonds they can form, influencing molecular structure and reactivity.
Practice Questions
The s orbital is spherical in shape, centred around the nucleus, and is not oriented towards any specific axis. This means it's symmetrical about the nucleus. On the other hand, p orbitals are dumbbell-shaped and have three orientations corresponding to the three main axes: x, y, and z, termed as px, py, and pz orbitals. The shapes of these orbitals are crucial as they represent regions in space where there's a high likelihood of finding an electron. Understanding these shapes aids in visualising electron distribution and provides insight into the electron's behaviour within the atom.
The periodic table's block nature is a reflection of electron configurations and sublevels. The s-block comprises elements in groups 1 and 2, including hydrogen and helium; their outermost electrons are in the s sublevel. The p-block consists of elements in groups 13 to 18, and they have their outermost electrons in the p sublevel. The d-block, consisting of transition metals from groups 3 to 12, have their outermost electrons in the d sublevel. For instance, Helium, despite being in group 18, is part of the s-block with a filled 1s sublevel, while Boron in group 13 begins filling the 2p sublevel, placing it in the p-block.