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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science SL Study Notes

2.2.6 Heart Rate, Cardiac Output, and Stroke Volume

Understanding the interplay between heart rate, cardiac output, and stroke volume is pivotal in grasping how the cardiovascular system adapts to exercise. This understanding is crucial for students studying IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Science.

1. Fundamental Concepts

Heart Rate (HR)

  • Definition: The number of heartbeats per minute.
  • Importance: A primary indicator of the heart's activity and cardiovascular demand.
  • Resting HR: Typically ranges from 60 to 100 bpm; lower in well-trained athletes.
  • HR Control: Governed by the autonomic nervous system, balancing sympathetic (increasing HR) and parasympathetic (decreasing HR) influences.

Stroke Volume (SV)

  • Definition: The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle in one contraction.
  • Determining Factors: Heart size, fitness level, gender, and cardiovascular health.
  • Mechanics: Influenced by preload (end-diastolic volume), myocardial contractility, and afterload (resistance in the arterial system).

Cardiac Output (CO)

  • Definition: The volume of blood the heart pumps per minute.
  • Formula: CO = SV × HR
  • Clinical Relevance: A critical measure of the heart's efficiency and the body’s demand for oxygen and nutrients.

2. Dynamics at Rest and During Exercise

Heart Rate Changes

  • At Rest: Maintained at a lower level in athletes due to their higher stroke volume and efficient cardiac function.
  • During Exercise: Increases linearly with the intensity of exercise, facilitating increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles.

Stroke Volume Response

  • At Rest: Remains fairly consistent.
  • During Exercise: Increases significantly due to enhanced cardiac filling (Frank-Starling mechanism) and stronger myocardial contractions.

Cardiac Output Adjustments

  • At Rest: Around 5-6 litres per minute for an average adult.
  • During Exercise: Can increase to as much as 20-40 litres per minute in highly trained athletes.

3. Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Adjustment During Exercise

Heart Rate Adaptations

  • Sympathetic Activation: Triggers faster heart rates to meet increased metabolic demands.
  • Parasympathetic Withdrawal: Decreases influence on the heart, allowing for a faster HR.

Stroke Volume Adaptations

  • Increased Preload: Enhanced venous return during exercise stretches the ventricles, leading to more forceful contractions.
  • Augmented Contractility: Hormonal influences and sympathetic stimulation enhance the heart’s pumping efficiency.
  • Decreased Afterload: Arterial dilation during exercise reduces resistance, facilitating easier ejection of blood from the heart.

4. Exercise Types and Cardiovascular Response

Aerobic Exercise

  • HR and CO: Increase steadily in proportion to exercise intensity.
  • SV: Generally increases, especially in trained individuals, due to improved cardiac efficiency.

Anaerobic Exercise

  • Rapid HR Increase: To meet the high energy demands of short, intense bursts of activity.
  • CO Dominance: Driven more by heart rate as stroke volume has less time to significantly change.

Endurance Training

  • Long-term Adaptations: Include lower resting heart rate, increased stroke volume, and more efficient cardiac output.
  • Efficiency in Oxygen Delivery: Enhanced through cardiovascular adaptations.

5. Heart Rate, Cardiac Output, and Stroke Volume During Different Exercise Intensities

Low to Moderate Intensity

  • HR Increase: Gradual and proportional to the intensity.
  • SV: Increases due to efficient venous return and cardiac filling.
  • CO: Elevated but within a manageable range for the cardiovascular system.

High Intensity

  • HR: Can approach maximum levels, especially in untrained individuals.
  • SV: May plateau or slightly decrease due to reduced diastolic filling time.
  • CO: Peaks due to maximal heart rate and elevated stroke volume.

6. Practical Applications in Sports and Health

  • HR Monitoring: Essential for determining exercise intensity and cardiovascular strain.
  • CO and SV Analysis: Helps in assessing cardiovascular health and the effectiveness of training regimes.
  • Personalised Training: Tailored based on individual responses to exercise, optimizing performance and health benefits.

7. Additional Influencing Factors

  • Age and Gender: Affect baseline HR, SV, and CO, and their responses to exercise.
  • Environmental Conditions: Temperature and humidity can influence cardiovascular responses.
  • Hydration Status: Impacts blood volume, affecting SV and consequently CO.
  • Altitude: Higher altitudes can challenge oxygen delivery, affecting HR and CO responses.


An athlete typically has a lower resting heart rate due to the heart's adaptations to regular, intense exercise. These adaptations include increased cardiac muscle strength and efficiency, enabling the heart to pump a greater volume of blood with each beat (increased stroke volume). A lower resting heart rate in athletes indicates a more efficient heart that does not need to beat as frequently to maintain a stable cardiac output at rest. During exercise, this efficiency translates to the ability to significantly increase cardiac output by increasing both heart rate and stroke volume effectively, allowing for better performance and endurance.

Age significantly affects the relationship between stroke volume, heart rate, and cardiac output. As people age, they typically experience a decrease in maximum heart rate due to changes in the autonomic nervous system and the heart's pacemaker cells. This reduction in maximum heart rate can limit the heart's ability to increase cardiac output through heart rate alone during exercise. Additionally, aging is often associated with a decrease in stroke volume, attributed to reduced elasticity of the heart and blood vessels, and a decline in myocardial contractility. As a result, older individuals may have a lower cardiac output during exercise compared to younger individuals, affecting exercise capacity and endurance.

The body regulates stroke volume during sudden changes in exercise intensity through several mechanisms. Initially, increased venous return, due to muscle contractions and the skeletal muscle pump, enhances the preload (the volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole). This increased preload stretches the ventricular walls, leading to a more forceful contraction via the Frank-Starling mechanism, thus increasing stroke volume. Simultaneously, sympathetic nervous system activation increases heart contractility, further boosting stroke volume. As exercise intensity rises, hormonal responses (like adrenaline release) and reduced afterload (due to vasodilation) also contribute to maintaining or increasing stroke volume, ensuring adequate cardiac output to meet the increased metabolic demands.

Emotional stress can indeed affect heart rate and cardiac output during physical exercise. Stress triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. This stimulation results in an increased heart rate and potentially higher cardiac output even before physical exercise begins. During exercise, this heightened sympathetic activity can lead to an exaggerated heart rate response, causing the heart to work harder than usual at a given exercise intensity. This can result in a faster onset of fatigue, as the cardiovascular system is already taxed by the stress response in addition to the demands of the exercise.

Dehydration significantly affects heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output during exercise. When dehydrated, the body experiences a decrease in blood volume, which directly impacts stroke volume – the amount of blood ejected by the heart with each beat. A reduced stroke volume forces the heart to beat faster, increasing the heart rate in an attempt to maintain adequate cardiac output. However, this compensatory mechanism can only be sustained to a certain extent. Prolonged dehydration leads to a decrease in overall cardiac output, as the heart struggles to pump the reduced blood volume efficiently, which can impair exercise performance and increase the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Practice Questions

Describe how stroke volume and heart rate contribute to the increase in cardiac output during moderate aerobic exercise. Include an explanation of the physiological mechanisms involved.

Stroke volume and heart rate are integral to the increase in cardiac output during moderate aerobic exercise. As exercise begins, sympathetic nervous system stimulation increases heart rate, accelerating blood circulation. Concurrently, stroke volume enhances due to improved venous return and myocardial contractility. The Frank-Starling mechanism comes into play, where the increased venous return stretches the heart's ventricles, allowing for more forceful contractions, thus ejecting more blood per beat. Cardiac output, the product of stroke volume and heart rate, elevates to meet the heightened metabolic demands of exercising muscles, ensuring efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients.

Explain the difference in cardiac output response between a trained athlete and an untrained individual during high-intensity exercise.

In high-intensity exercise, a trained athlete's cardiac output response differs significantly from an untrained individual's due to adaptations from regular training. A trained athlete typically has a lower resting heart rate but can achieve a higher maximal stroke volume, resulting from an enlarged heart and enhanced myocardial efficiency. During high-intensity exercise, their heart can pump more blood per beat, maintaining a lower heart rate while achieving a high cardiac output. In contrast, an untrained individual relies more on increased heart rate to augment cardiac output, as their stroke volume does not significantly increase due to lesser cardiovascular efficiency and adaptations.

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